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E Hoʻomanawanui

May. 5, 2023

Contributed by Kahu Kalani Wong, KS Maui

Heluhelu Baibala/Bible Reading

I nui ke aho, e nā hoahānau, a hiki mai ka Haku. Eia hoʻi, ke kakali nei ka mahi ʻai i ka hua ōhāhā o ka honua, e hoʻomanawanui ana ma ia mea a hiki mai ke kuāua mua a me ke kuāua hope.- Iakobo 5:7

Be patient, then, brothers and sisters, until the Lord’s coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop, patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains.- James 5:7

He Manaʻo o ke haumāna Taylor Aloy, KS Maui ’23- Ka Papa Kou

Senior year of high school. Supposedly the best year of high school; but for me, it was the opposite. I spent senior year of high school in shambles; I had loads and loads of work to do, college applications to finish, scholarships to apply for, and money to worry about. I was working so hard, constantly, and I felt I could never catch a break. I cried and cried and cried to my mother about how all my hard work wasn’t paying off; I thought nothing good was happening for me. Little did I know it was just the beginning. God had so much in store for me and even though I had a hard time with my patience, being patient is never bad.

James 5:7 is a good lesson for me, to remind me to e hoʻomanawanui, to be patient- “Be patient, therefore, brothers, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, being patient about it, until it receives the early and the late rains.” Just as a farmer has to wait for his crops to grow, I know I need to let my hard work bear fruit in its time.

Now that we are coming to the very end of my last year as a high schooler, i can confidently say that patience was the most important lesson for me this year. While I was down during the beginning of the year, feeling like all my hard work was for nothing, God gave me so much more than I could ever ask for and taught me my lesson of patience. For he knows what is in store for me, and I should not fear but leave it all up to him. I was blessed with so many opportunities such as hosting a menstrual product drive, being a Poʻo Kula scholarship recipient, rotary student of the month, district science fair placer, class of 2023 Salutatorian, and strengthening my relationships. Now, I am happier than ever. I am so very grateful to be in the place that I am now, and I owe it all to Jesus for teaching me the lesson of patience. So, if you take away anything from this story, it’s to trust God and to BE PATIENT. He knows what is in store for us and we should trust that he will work it all out.

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