Contributed by Kahu Kalani Wong, KS Maui
Heluhelu Baibala/Bible Reading
No ka mea, ua ʻike nō wau i nā manaʻo aʻu e manaʻo nei iā oukou, wahi a Iēhova, he mau manaʻo no ka hoʻomalu, ʻaʻole no ke ʻāhewa, e hāʻawi iā ʻoukou i hope maikaʻi, a me ka hoʻolana.- Ieremia 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.- Jeremiah 29:11
Ka Manaʻo o ka haumana Angelena Freitas, KS Maui ’23- Ka Papa Kou
My parents both grew up within a pretty messy, broken and lost family. I call it the generational curse. Where the bad ways of a family continue generation to generation down the family tree. That was my family. My parents met. Fell in love. So, they thought it was real “love”. My mom already had my older brother with someone else. Then my parents had me. I remember my parents telling me that I was always planned. They really wanted a baby together. About 5 years later they got married and had my younger brother.
My parents never knew God. They both lived in worldly ways, so angry and broken at each other and their life. There were often fights and arguments. I think the one thing I was so confused about as a young girl was if my parents “loved” each other, why was there so much pain and fear within our home. There was a church that opened next to where we lived. My mom and the rest of my family attended, except my dad. We got help and my parents ended up separating. As I got older I understood why we had to leave. There was too much destruction in my family. My mom got saved. She changed her ways. Her changing her lifestyle really helped me know God. As a young girl, maybe about 10, I wanted to read my Bible and sing worship songs. I felt the Holy Spirit. I knew God was there and I felt His love. However, because of everything I went through in the past I felt like I could not trust God with what He had planned for my life, and I tried to always plan my life. Until one day I read Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
That is my life verse because I realized that through it all that was God's plan for me- to go through those hard things in my life. I believe that I went through all of that when I was young because now, all grown up, I am more aware, and I did not get into the things my parents got into. I believe I went through those things so that I could break the generational curse of my family. My view on life is way different. Through it all God was there and is there. He always knows what He is doing. That is what got me through it all. If only everyone knew Him and felt His love and feared Him! Oh how different the world would be.
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