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“I AM” the Resurrection and the Life

Apr. 25, 2023

Contributed by Kahu Kalani Wong, KS Maui

Heluhelu Baibala/Bible reading

25 ʻĪ maila ʻo Iesū iā ia, ʻO wau nō ke ala hou ʻana, a me ke ola: ʻo ka mea e manaʻoʻiʻo mai iaʻu, inā e make ia, e ola hou auaneʻi ʻo ia. 26 ʻO ka mea e ola ana, a e manaʻoʻiʻo mai iaʻu, ʻaʻole loa ia e make. Ke manaʻoʻiʻo nei anei ʻoe i kēia?- Ioane 11:25-26

25 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life; the one who believes in Me will live, even if he dies, 26 and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?”- John 11:25-26

He Manaʻo o ke Kahu Kaunaloa Boshard, KS Hawaiʻi

When our moʻopuna ask for something, it is not about getting it tomorrow, it’s not about the next hour or two, it’s about, now! For our kūpuna, do any of these requests sound familiar? “Papa, may I have a hamburger?” “May I have a soda?” Or “Tūtū, may I have a puppy?” These cute petitions meant to quench their desire for attention and affirmation are blessings to any of us with grandchildren because they know they can always ask, and at the very least they will get food and drink. You got to earn the puppy.

They ask because they know they can. It is the accessibility that we provide for our moʻopuna which is the key to the relationship. Whenever I hear them calling me, I am quick to answer and give them my full attention. Now, I am usually pretty busy during the weekdays, and even some weekends, but if any of my grandchildren were to phone me (or our children for that matter) I would stop everything to answer them. It is imperative to let them know that they have priority in my life.

That is exactly what Jesus is teaching us here. We don’t have to wait for salvation to be our destiny, we can have it added to our life’s journey here and now, and there is more. When we sincerely ask, our Savior gives us priority listing, first class placement, and everyone who chooses Christ Jesus is accepted, without denial. Our only duty is to believe, and we will receive. Just like my moʻopuna believe that I will answer their call, that tutu will drive two hundred miles to see them or pick them up to take them to a youth basketball game or a concert and take care of the expenses. That’s our kuleana, we must believe. Do you believe this? Finally, the great thing about the promise of salvation is, we don’t have to earn it. Unlike my idea of my moʻopuna earning the privilege to mālama a puppy, God’s gift of eternal life through Jesus, is free.

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