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How do you say: Go outside.
Puka i waho.

You Make Me Better

Jun. 19, 2023

Contributed by Kahu Kalani Wong, KS Maui

Heluhelu Baibala/Bible Reading
Hoʻokala kahi mea hao i kekahi mea hao,
Hoʻokala hoʻi ke kanaka i ka maka o kona hoalauna.- Na Solomona 27:17
As iron sharpens iron,
So one person sharpens another.- Proverbs 27:17
He Manaʻo o ke Kahu Kalani Wong, KS Maui
There are times when I think that I’d love to live off-grid in someplace remote, away from all the crime and mayhem that seems to be happening in our world.  Have you ever felt like that?  I can picture a cabin on the top of a mountain, overlooking a vibrant forest with a creek flowing nearby.  That would probably be great for a while, until I go stir crazy and miss the human interaction. 

We as humans are meant to be in community with one another. We are made to be with others and to find comfort through the aloha that another person gives.  We grow and become better people.  One of my mentors told me several times that his wife was not the person he married.  That’s because each of them had grown in ways that happens when love and trust are a part of the relationship.  I think of who I was when I first met my wife and who I am today- a very different person, hopefully for the better because of my pilina with my wife.

As iron sharpens iron, so, one person sharpens another.

We can make this world a better place by looking for the positive things of others, recognizing their strengths and our weaknesses, working collaboratively with one another.  The bringing together of two minds to make a bigger and better outcome comes about through trust. Even the genius Albert Einstein had some help from two of his students, Marcel Grossmann and Michele Besso. Their work in mathematics helped him come up with his theory of general relativity.  He recognized that he needed their manaʻo to reach higher goals.

As iron sharpens iron, so, one person sharpens another.

When you want to do great things, think of the one person we should have as a part of our lives- Iesū Kristo. Philippians 4:13 tells us, “I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” It is through him that we are made into a better version of yourself. We can easily do things on our own but what an even greater result can be achieved through Christ.  While others help sharpens us, Christ perfects us.  So, seek his presence and let that relationship be what helps build your relationship with others.

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