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Puka i waho.

“I AM” the Vine

May. 3, 2023

Contributed by Kahu Kalani Wong, KS Maui

Heluhelu Baibala/Bible Reading

ʻO wau nō ke Kumu waina, ʻo ʻoukou nā lālā. ʻO ka mea e pili ana iaʻu, a ʻo wau hoʻi iā ia, ʻo ia ke hoʻohua nui mai; no ka mea, ʻaʻole mea iki e hiki iā ʻoukou ke hana, ke ʻole wau.- Ioane 15:5

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me, you can do nothing.- John 15:5

He Manaʻo o ke Kahu Kaunaloa Boshard, KS Hawaiʻi

E mahiʻai e mālama i ko ke Akua, our Spiritual Theme for this year reminds us to cultivate and care for what is God’s and to be fruitful. There is nothing more heartwarming to me than to witness our Kamehameha Schools haumāna being fruitful in Christ.

This past weekend 19 haumāna from Kula Waena o Ke Kula o Kamehameha Kapālama visited our Hawaiʻi campus to share their ministry with us and our community. Chaperones Kumu Barrett Awai and Kumu Vince Acohido were accompanied by nā kumu Tory Watanabe, Monique Hasegawa-Ilae, and Kawehi Kammerer, who were the keepers and protectors of our MS Worship Team. They arrived on campus on Friday morning and were welcomed with our protocol from our own MS Deputation Team led by Kumu Kensy Apaka and Kumu Kimo Kekua. Then they paired up with our DT students and attended classes with them. At lunchtime the group of blessed students from Kapālama shared testimonies, worship music, and hula for all who were gathered at Hāʻaeamahi Dining Hall.

The next day we took them on a huakaʻi that featured stops at the birthplace of ʻŌpūkahaʻia at Nīnole, followed by a trip to Kahikolu Church where his iwi is interred. Next, we visited Lekeleke to learn about the Battle of Kuamoʻo and last a scenic ride through Kailua Kona, where both the historic Huliheʻe Palace and Mokuaikaua Church are located.

On Sunday, the group helped to lead worship at another historic place of worship, Haili Congregational Church in Hilo. They were amazing in their offerings of music, hula, and testimonies about how the Christ in them has made a positive difference in their overall well-being. Jesus teaches us in today’s scripture what these blessed students were living out. They were remaining attached to the VINE of LIFE and in return they were bearing good fruit for all to enjoy, especially our kūpuna who were praising Jesus for the morning’s spiritual nourishment! Mahalo nui to KS Hawaiʻi MS Student Activities Coordinator Layne Arakaki for all your kōkua.

our faith,daily devotional,christian values

Kaipuolono Article, Themes, Culture, Community, Hawaii Newsroom, KS Hawaii Home, Kapalama Newsroom, Kapalama Home, Maui Newsroom, KS Maui Home, Newsroom, Kapalama, Maui, Preschools, Faith, CRED News (Not on Frontpage), Hawaii campus, Kapalama campus, Maui campus

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