Contributed by Kahu Kalani Wong
Ka Ipu o Lono shares weekly devotionals to provide spiritual enrichment to members of the Kamehameha Schools ‘ohana. For more inspiration, visit the KS “Our faith” website.
Heluhelu Baibala
E hoʻopaʻa nō ʻo Iēhova i nā mea e pili mai ai iaʻu; Ua mau loa nō kou lokomaikaʻi, e Iēhova, Mai haʻalele ʻoe i nā hana a kou mau lima. – Nā Halelū 138:8
The Lord will accomplish what concerns me; Your faithfulness, Lord, is everlasting; Do not abandon the works of Your hands. – Psalms 138:8
He manaʻo o ke kahu
To help build pilina in my freshmen and sophomore Christian Ed classes, I am having three to five students share a little of themselves at the start of each class, simple things like what is their favorite food, hobby, and their big dream. Interestingly enough, quite a few didn’t have a big dream. A few said they want to be happy or get a job where they can make a lot of money but nothing concrete. Could it be that during the last couple years, we were in survival mode and to think beyond the next couple of months was tough? Or to dream big means too much work?
To me, dreaming big means something to strive for. It challenges you to do, to be something greater, to do something beyond what you can imagine. What if Michael Jordan gave up his dream to play basketball because he had listened to his coach who said he was too short? Bill Gates had a dream that every household had a personal computer and he set his mind to make that happen. Lady Gaga got dropped from a major record deal three months after signing. That didn’t stop her. Walt Disney was fired from a job because he lacked creativity.
Take another look at today’s passage but in the New Living Translation version, “The Lord will work out his plans for my life – for your faithful love, O Lord, endures forever. Don’t abandon me, for you made me.” God created us to do great things so seek ke Akua’s guidance on what great and powerful thing he has in mind for you. Set your goals and sights on something grand, something beyond your reach for that means that you’ll need to rely the Lord.
Don’t limit yourself on what you want to do, for it tells us in Ephesians 3:20, “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.” Dream big and let God do his thing!
our faith,daily devotional,christian values
Faith, Hawaii campus, Kapalama campus, Maui campus
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